Kamilla Sajetz Mathisen Hagerups vei 49b 5093 Bergen Norway
Phone: +47 90040040
Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Norway - Master´s Degree in Fine Art, 2013-2015
Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Norway - Bachelor´s Degree in Ceramics, 2009-2013
Examen facultatum and examen filosoficum, University of Oslo, Norway, 1998
Examen Artium, Lycée Alain Chartier, Bayeux, France, 1993-1996
The 77th North-Norwegian Art Exhibition (2023)
The 73th North-Norwegian Art Exhibition (2019)
The 72th North-Norwegian Art Exhibition (2018)
The 71th North-Norwegian Art Exhibition (2017)
The 70th North-Norwegian Art Exhibition (2016)
The 69th North-Norwegian Art Exhibition (2015)
The Annual Crafts’ Exhibition 2013, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway (2013)
The 67th North-Norwegian Art Exhibition (2013)
STRAY – Øyepå, LIAF, Kabelvåg (2022)
Svevn – KRAFT, Bergen, Norway (2019)
Playgrounds, Galleri Langegården, Bergen, Norway (2019)
X Different Ways of Falling, Vol. II, C4, Bergen (2018)
Night is Also a Sun – VerkStedet, Kongsberg, Norway (2017)
Micro Collapse – Bodø kunstforening, Bodø, Norway (2017)
Undertows – Collaboration with Martin Losvik, LCA Málaga, Spain (2017)
Earthbound – Kraftfestivalen culture festival, Sørfold, Norway (2016)
STRAY – Galleri Fisk, Bergen, Norway (2014)
Animanomalies – Art festival “Ut av vår hule”, Fauske, Norway (2012)
Animalitos – Galleri Bokboden, Bergen, Norway (2012)
MILK - Studio 1/2, Oslo, Norway (2022)
Time Travelers IV – Arendal kunstforening, Norway (2020)
From Which Direction… – Piraeus House of Litterature Gallery, Greece (2018)
No Island, Time Travelers III – Arkhangelsk Artist Union Gallary, Russia (2018)
Hier und Da – Galerie M, BVB, Berlin, Germany (2017)
LEKAM Time Travelers II – HardingartT, Utne, Norway (2017)
Monsters on Parade – Blank Space, Oslo, Norway (2017)
Time travelers – NOK Art Space, Bodø, Norway (2016)
Curators Choice – Samanhengande, Kunstgarasjen, Bergen, Norway (2016)
Protection – Alberthaugen fjellanlegg, Bodø, Norway (2015)
Kunsthall Coop, Agalaus Art Festival, Voss, Norway (2015)
Clay-Sculpture-And-Bread-Community, Agalaus Art Festival, Voss, Norway (2015)
Discount Parachutes, Bergen kunsthall, Norway (2015)
Animalitos – Kjelvik gård, during H.R.H Crown Prince Haakons visit to Nordland, Norway (2014)
Uskapt, Game of Life II, by Gabriel J. Kvendseth. Kristiansand Kunsthall (2014)
The Hardbakka Ruins Project, Bergen, Norway (2014)
Space Jam, UWE, Bristol, England (2013)
Mysterier – Interactive Art Path, Hamsunsenteret, The Nordland Museum, Norway (2023)
Pans skog – Outdoor installations, Hamsunsenteret, The Nordland Museum, Norway (2018)
Sculptural Walk – Easter Installation, Ytrebygda Churh, Bergen, Norway (2018)
Clay-Sculpture-And-Bread-Community, Stiftelsen 3,14, Bergen, Norway (2015)
Clay-Sculpture-And-Bread-Community, Galleri Bokboden, Bergen, Norway (2014)
Clay-Sculpture-And-Bread-Community and Gneis Choir, KHiB, Bergen, Norway (2014)
MILK - Studio 1/2, Oslo (2022)
Oseana Kunst- og Kultursenter (2021)
Jim Darbu – Funtrain to Nowhere
Mahlet Ogbe Habte – Screaming Blood
Arvid Pettersen – Historiene bak historien
Linda Øgaard – Breakout Room
Time Travelers (TR) exhibition series – curator and producer, K Curator Duo
NO ISLAND 2, TR4 – Vadsø Kunstforening, Norway (2018)
NO ISLAND, TR3 – Arkhangelsk Artist Union, Arkhangelsk, Russia (2018)
LEKAM, TR2 – HardingarT, Hardanger, Norway (2017)
Time Travelers, TR1 – NOK, Bodø, Norway (2016)
I craft, I travel light, The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts, co-curator and writer:
Sami Center for Contemporary Art, Karasjok, Norway (2017)
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromø, Norway (2017)
Murmansk Regional Art Museum, Russia (2017)
Arkhangelsk Regional Art Museum, Russia (2016)
Arts Council Norway – Diversestipend (2018)
Hordaland County Council – Grant for education and travel (2017)
Municipality of Bergen – Establishment grant (2017)
Arts Council Norway – Diversestipend (2015)
Hardanger sin kunstnerbustad, Berlin, Germany (2017)
Can Serrat Residency, Spain (2015)
Writer - Publication on Norwegian and Lule Sámi folk believes. Supported by Kulturdirektoratet (Arts and Culture Norway), Publication April 2024
Growth of the Soil – The Cultural Schoolbag, collaboration with Anna Holand, Ingvild Austgulen, DKS Nordland and Hamsunsenteret. (2020 - 2023)
Berg og Båre – Initiator. Cross- disciplinary art project for children and youth. In collaboration with DKS Nordland and Scenekunst i Nordland (2017-2022).
Berg og båre - Lectures (2019 - 2022)
SPOR - Stiklestad
Kystmuseet i Øygarden
Hardanger fartøyvernsetner
Nordland musikkfestuke
Writer of the text: “Transitions – A Journey Through the History of Materials” in the publication “I craft, I travel light” (NK /Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum) (2016-2017).
Editor and writer of the publication “Verdens aller beste klovn skal må får ikke sove – Om barn som medskapende kunstprodusenter, with Tor Å. Bringsværd, M. Zakariassen and C. Haagensen (2017)
Presentation of Norwegian arts and crafts, Arctic Art Forum, Arkhangelsk, Russia (2016)
Writer of the text “Uten tittel, 2015” in the magazine Fanfare 5,5: FAENFARE - Kunstspesial (2015)
Assistant toHead of Project Management, Bergen Assembly (2013-2014)
Freelance Writer (2003-09)