Jacob’s Ladder. Sculpted stoneware, wool, blood, 2019. Life size.
Photo: Kobie Nel.
Embrace. Sculpted porcelain, 2015. 20x13x8cm. Shown at Agalaus kunstfestival, Norway (2015), The North-Norwegian Art Exhibition (2016) and LCA, Spain (2017).
Photo: Kobie Nel.
Guardian. Sculpted stoneware. Shown at the 71st North Norwegian Art Exhibition, 2017. Part of the series Aber Bergen, season 1 - 3 (2016 - 2018).
VICTORY I and VICTORY II. Sculpted porcelain figurines. Shown at Agalaus Art Festival, Voss, Norway (2015).
Starfish. Sculpted porcelain. Exhibited at the 73rd North Norwegian Art Exhibition, 2019.
The Visitor. Sculpted stoneware, 2012.